Ahhh Christmas, Hanukkah, & all the holidays that are about so much more than gifts, but which ultimately leave our houses filled with an excess of decorations, toys, gadgets, housewares, clothing... you get my point. As soon as next week we will all begin to consider our goals for the coming year, and for weirdos like me being more organized is toward the top of my annual list of resolutions. I know I feel better when the spaces where I live and work are (relatively) clear and clean of clutter. The space around me tends to be a reflection of my mind, and vice versa, so keeping it open and organized feels better than cramped and cluttered. Rather than waiting for the spring cleaning season to be upon us, why not get a jump on things now? An easy first step could be when putting away gifts from the holidays, pull out whatever they may replace and decide if you're going to donate, give away, or throw away the old item(s). Here are some more tips on ways to declutter:
From Style at Home:
- Identify problem areas. Take "before" pictures to help plan and measure progress.
- Be prepared. Keep items where they're most likely to be needed (gloves & keys by the door, for example)
- Utilize open spaces for organized storage. Consider under the bed, a bench with built-in storage, or an ottoman to keep throws and extra pillows inside.
- Use bookshelves to display your favorite tomes and keepsakes. Donate books you've replaced with digital versions to make space to showcase items that bring you joy.
- Keep a donation box at the ready. Rather than make a huge to-do of decluttering, keep a box open and ready so you can toss things in whenever you decide they're no longer wanted or needed in your space. When it gets full, take it to a local donation center & being anew.
- Use those reusable shopping bags! Keep them near your keys so they're easy to grab on your way out to the store.
- Be true to yourself. As much as I appreciate a minimalist look, it is simply not the way I live and that's okay. Sometimes my piles of organized chaos get a bit high, sometimes my display shelf gets a bit full, sometimes I need to cull problem areas, sometimes I enjoy the fullness. Be where you are and allow your home to reflect the best of you.
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