Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Unsolicited Praise for a Well Deserving Poet

We've all heard the phrase that real estate is a business about relationships, and it's true. Yes, there are nuts and bolts, negotiations and nitty gritty details which must not be neglected, but no matter the ups and downs of the market or how technology changes, it always comes down to relationships. 

I run my business based primarily on referrals, which means I take the relationships I build seriously. Luckily, I've worked with wonderful people and maintaining relationships with people you like is not only easy, but fun.

The thing about referrals is that we give them all the time -- if we've had a good experience or a bad experience, we tend to share those with our friends and family (or the internet community). This post is my desire to share a treasure I discovered this week. It happens to be born of a past client of mine, who has no idea I'm writing this. I share this to share a good experience with the hope that you will appreciate her words as I do.

This week I sat down and visited with a woman whose home I helped her buy over 12 years ago. Recently, she retired from her job of 22 years and began writing (or, really, continued writing, only now her joy is uninterrupted by a job). She shared her recently published book of beautiful poetry with me and pointed me toward one poem in particular.

This poem, published a little over a year ago in A&U Magazine, has been their most read post of all time. I'll warn you now, it's not an easy read but it is well worth your time (just grab a tissue before you start). She and her partner lost their son to AIDS and this poem beautifully expresses her experience through the tragic loss. 

I read it today and it left me speechless. It is graceful and elegant, and touchingly poignant. I cannot begin to imagine the pain of losing a child, but through Barb's poem, Triptych for Christopher, I felt  at least a portion of her roller coaster.

Barb's first book. Boxing Without Gloves, can be purchased here.

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