With somewhere around 185,000 licensed Realtors in California, you can almost throw a shoe and hit one of us (but please don't). Given that number, the odds are that you personally have a Realtor or two (or five) in your circle. We've all been trained from day one to ask our friends and family for their referrals, but when you know more than one good real estate agent, how do you choose which to refer your friend to? Do you refer them to anyone, or do you end up keeping quiet to avoid causing offense? Here's a simple solution: base your referral on best fit.
Let's look at it from another perspective. Your favorite restaurant is a little Mediterranean place in your neighborhood. You have friends visiting from out of town who ask for a restaurant recommendation, but you know they don't like Mediterranean food. Would you still refer them to your favorite restaurant because you believe it's the best? Hopefully not, you'd be setting them up for disappointment and they might not ask you for another restaurant recommendation. In the same light, you wouldn't recommend a professional to a friend if you know they wouldn't work well together.
In your pool of real estate professionals you know a person's style and personality. Real estate is a personal profession; people invite us into their homes and lives so we can best assist them. Because we spend a lot of time with our clients, the right client-professional fit is important for a successful working relationship and a satisfied client. So when you have the opportunity to refer one of your denizens of Realtor friends to another friend, family member, or acquaintance, consider who would be the best fit.
Other things to consider when referring a Realtor:
Are they a full time professional, or is this a part-time gig?
What is their communication style?
How experienced are they in the industry?
Do they specialize in the target area?
Pragmatics of referring:
People are busy. With the permission of the person who needs help, pass their contact information on to the real estate professional to whom you're referring them. Let us remember to call them so they can focus on other things.